How it works

Park your vehicle, ring the "Phone and Pay" area number, quote the site code, select the amount of time you wish to park for and that's it!

All information is clearly stated on our signs located around areas of operation. To register for "Phone and Pay" click here. You will only need to enter your vehicle and payment details once, this information will be automatically saved to your "Phone and Pay" account. When downloading the free smart phone app, motorists will need to log in with their mobile phone number and pin and simply pay for parking.

Motorists can also pay for parking in selected retailers using the "Cash for Parking" option.

All information regarding a parking zone will be displayed on the signage ie additional charges, top-up option, bay closures etc

Meanwhile, at the other end, as soon as you’ve made the call to Phone and Pay, things are starting to happen. Your car registration, details of payment and length of stay are instantly sent electronically to the computerised handsets of local Enforcement Officers. All handsets are updated instantly when a parking session has been paid for.

Running late? No problem. If you need more time, call or text Phone and Pay and extend your parking stay. Better still you can pre-book your parking leisurely the day before — it’s even easier.

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